Student Leadership

Warrnambool College is committed to preparing our students to become community and professional leaders in their chosen fields.
To this end students are provided with a rich array of opportunities to develop the confidence and skills which they can take with them after graduating.
Apart from the formal leadership roles described here there are many other daily opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills. Leadership development at all levels of our school is encouraged and valued.
Why take on a Student Leadership Role?
- Learn new skills and build my personal leadership capacity
- To be a voice and make a difference within the College.
- Work with and get to know new people.
- Represent the school at community events.
- Undertake special leadership training programs and activities.
College Captains
4-6 captains appointed from the year 12 cohort
The School Captains are role models for our whole school. As one of our School Captains, you are known and respected by all members of the school community because of your outstanding history of performance and contribution. The School Captains play an important role in organising and presenting at important school events.
You will
- Actively promote the school values at all times, especially by
- providing leadership to the student body
- demonstrating a caring and supportive manner
- Take a leading role within student leadership within the College, including being a current member of your house leadership group.
- Be an active member of the year 12 Committee as directed by the VCE Coordinator.
- As a team decide on a school initiative that you would like to develop and implement during your term in the position.
- Participate in regular meetings with the College Principal and Assistant Principals
- Assist with the organisation and conduct of school assemblies.
- Speak on behalf of students and the school at school functions and other special events.
- Represent the school at community events and functions as required.
- Report to the school community via regular contributions to the College newsletter.
- Liaise with students in other leadership roles including,
- House Captains
- House Student Leadership
- Student Engagement and Advocacy Team
School Captains will be presented to the College at the final senior assembly of the year prior to beginning their term in office. This will follow a written application, speeches and group interview process. A confidential written reference from the House Leader is also required.
Selection criteria
- Demonstrated ongoing commitment to Warrnambool College.
- An excellent record of academic work effort and attitude.
- An excellent record of conduct
- A record of taking initiative and active participation in school activities.
- Strong and confident communication skills.
- The ability to work co-operatively with others.
- A vision for the continued improvement of Warrnambool College
House Captain
2 captains from each House
The House Captains are role models for the school and more specifically for students in your House. You will be respected because of your outstanding history of performance and contribution. The House Captains play an important role in organising and presenting at inter-House school events.
You will
- Actively promote the school values at all times, especially by
- Providing leadership to the student body
- Demonstrating a caring and supportive manner.
- Take a leading role with student leadership within the College, including with the selection of the house student leadership group.
- Assist with the organisation and conduct of House assemblies and activities.
- Organise and motivate students to participate in House activities.
- Assist teachers organising inter-House events.
- Take an organisational role with other House captains in improving student engagement within the College, including ideas for the increase of House oriented activities within the school
- Speak on behalf of students in the House at school functions and other special events.
- Mentor other students in the House.
- Liaise with students in other leadership roles. This would include organising meetings with the purpose of improving student engagement and wellbeing in the College.
- School Captains
- House Student Leadership
- Student Engagement and Advocacy Team
- House Captains will attend the annual student leader’s camp and assist in guiding the student leadership group to set their 2 SMART goals for the following year.
Selection criteria
- Demonstrated ongoing commitment to Warrnambool College and specifically House Leadership.
- An excellent record of academic work effort and attitude.
- An excellent record of conduct.
- A record of taking initiative and active participation in school activities.
- Strong and confident communication skills.
- The ability to work co-operatively with others.
- A vision for the continued improvement of Warrnambool College and particularly the House structure
House Captains will be selected after an application process that consists of a written application, speeches and interview. The current year House Captains will form part of the selection panel for the following year.
Student Leadership Group (SLG)
A number to be determined by each House
The Student Leaders will be selected from years 8-12 (from the following year) and are role models for the school and more specifically for students within their House Group. The student leaders play an important role in organising and presenting at House and inter-house school events.
You will
- Actively promote the school values at all times, especially by
- providing leadership to the student body
- Demonstrating a caring and supportive manner.
- Take a leading role with student leadership within the College.
- Assist with the organisation and conduct of House assemblies and activities.
- Organise and motivate students to participate in House activities.
- Assist teachers organising inter-House events.
- Take an organisational role within their House in improving student engagement within the College, including ideas for the increase of House oriented activities within the school and working towards achieving the SMART goals as set during the previous year’s Student Leadership camp.
- Speak on behalf of students in the House at school functions and other special events.
- Mentor other students in the House.
- Liaise with students in other leadership roles. The student leaders would include
- School Captains
- House Captains
- Student Engagement and Advocacy Team
- Student Leaders will attend the annual student leadership camp and contribute to the development of their 2 House SMART goals for the following year.
- Students will be appointed after a written application and interview with a panel consisting of House Leader, Assistant house leader and current House Captains.
Selection criteria
- Demonstrated ongoing commitment to Warrnambool College.
- An excellent record of academic work effort and attitude.
- An excellent record of conduct.
- A record of taking initiative and active participation in school activities.
- Strong and confident communication skills.
- The ability to work co-operatively with others.
- A vision for the continued improvement of Warrnambool College and particularly the House structure
Two year 7 student leaders will be appointed to each house during term two. This process will take place by week five of term two. Students will be appointed after a written application and interview with a panel of student leaders which includes at least one House Captain, House Leader and Assistant House Leader.
Student Engagement and Advocacy Team (SEA Team)
3-4 students from each House
The SEA Team is a group derived from the student leadership group in each house, their role is to unite the houses and develop and promote student engagement across the school, while acting as a voice for the student body at Warrnambool College.
You will
- Actively promote the school values at all times, especially by
- Providing leadership to the student body Demonstrating a caring and supportive manner.
- Take a leading role with student leadership within the College.
- Assist with the organisation and conduct of major events such as Relay for Life, 40hr Famine and Arts Cup and out of uniform day.
- Organise and motivate students to participate in school based activities.
- Take a liaison role within their House in improving student engagement within the College, including presenting reports back to their house group and bringing ideas to SEA Team meetings.
- Students will attend the Student Leaders Congress and develop a SMART goal initiative to implement during their term.
- Mentor other students in the House.
- Be an active member of their house group.
- Liaise with students in other leadership roles. The student leaders would include
- School Captains
- House Captains
- House Student Leadership
Selection criteria
- Demonstrated ongoing commitment to Warrnambool College.
- An excellent record of academic work effort and attitude.
- An excellent record of conduct.
- A record of taking initiative and active participation in school activities.
- Strong and confident communication skills.
- The ability to work co-operatively with others.
- A vision for the continued improvement of Warrnambool College and particularly Student engagement.
A Student who is appointed to a leadership position and then does not meet the criteria of the position as listed above, can at the discretion of the Principal Team, House Leader or Student Leadership Coordinator be asked to step down from their position.
Timeline for Student Leadership
Week 3 Term 1 – Student Leadership Induction Night
Week 2 Term 2 – Nominations open for Year 7 student Leaders
Week 3 Term 2 – Nominations close for Year 7 Student Leaders
Week 3/4 Term 2 – Interviews for Year 7 Student Leaders
Week 5 Term 2 – Year 7 Student leaders presented with badges and certificates at House Assembly
Late Term 2 – Mid year Student Leadership Camp
Week 5 Term 3 – Nominations open Monday for house student leadership/SEA Team for the following year
Week 6 Term 3 – Nominations close Friday for house student leadership/SEA Team for the following year
Week 7-10 Term 3 – Speeches for House Captains and Interviews for student leadership positions
Week 10 Term 3 – House Captains and Student Leadership Team for the following year announced.
Week 10 Term 3 – Nominations open Monday for College Captains for the following year (Written application and confidential reference from House Leader Required)
Week 2 Term 4 – Nominations close Friday for College Captains for the following year. – Submit to Front Office
Week 5 Term 4 – College Captain confidential student reference due from House Leader.
Week 8 – 10 Term 4 – College Captain Speeches (presented to fellow student cohort, followed by a voting process) College Captain group interview
Week 11 Term 4 –College Captains presented to the College Community. (Senior final assembly)
Late Term 4 – Student Leadership camp