Principal Welcome
We are proud of our school. Now more than a century old, Warrnambool College is highly regarded as both a school of academic excellence and a place where students feel safe and secure. We provide a challenging and rich curriculum designed to engage all students in learning and we share regular feedback online with parents to support student learning. We care for our students and they in turn develop skills to care for each other and the world around us. We hope that this booklet gives you a good introduction to our school and helps you understand what we value in education.
Our student numbers are increasing as the reputation of the school has grown over the past decade. We offer Year 12 VCE or VCAL to senior students and a Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) program for high achieving students from Years 7 – 12. Students also have the opportunity to apply for the Sporting Pathway Program, which aims to use the passion for sport to engage and expand students’ learning opportunities. Our music program includes multiple orchestras and a rock band. Instrumental lessons are available at school. Our diverse sporting academy program involves more than 600 students and many of our teams have progressed to state finals.
We produce an annual school musical with students from Years 7 – 12. We conduct regular camps for students across a range of year levels and we offer international trips to Indonesia, France and China. We have an on-site swimming pool and state-of-the- art visual arts and technology facilities. Our teachers are highly qualified and represent a mix of younger and more experienced teachers to bring in new ideas and consolidate old ones. Warrnambool College is a vibrant learning community.
David Clift